Thursday, 5 November 2009

UK's Music Scene - Going Under?

The UK music scene has lost its allure and excitement, electronica artist and vegan Moby declared. Moby continued his critique of the said industry - most of the emerging acts were 'laddish' examples of 'pub rock', Moby said a few months ago.

Moby's noteworthy rant was commendable for a few reasons. One of them is that he finally made a stand, after hiphop star Eminem lambasted him as being effete and spineless in one of his songs (and its subsequent music video) some years back. The other reason is that Moby may have actually hit the nail right on the head. What happened to the once-innovative UK scene?

Being a music fan myself, I'd have to say that all the bands that come from today's UK scene are mostly mainstream acts that sound generic. That scathing comment from Moby may possess more than a kernel of truth. The laddish, pub-rock bands he referred to could apply to the more popular artists and bands from UK, such as Coldplay, Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight, and even seminal alternative act Oasis. Kasabian has even joined the mix.

However, this name-dropping is quite indicative of the industry, whose mainstream acts have crossed over and developed followings in America and other parts of the world. Having a larger audience can tend to change a band or singer's sound, from inspired and groundbreaking to lackadaisical and generic - see Snow Patrol as an example.

Independent, DIY labels such as Winning Sperm Party are helping break the molds from where many of today's artists are cast. Some of these companies even release music from their artists for free. Bands such as Dananananakroyd, Dinosaur Pile Up, The Joy Formidable, and We Were Promised Jetpacks are beginning to make a stir. Even promising upstarts Los Campesinos! are proving Moby wrong, being as far from pub rock as can be.

The UK music scene isn't anywhere near its death throes, when you think about it. Maybe Moby just needs to dig a little deeper.
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